Wednesday, 13 April 2016

All Natural Hair & Skincare Recipes-Facial Seborrheic Dermatitis Treatment

Facial Seborrheic Dermatitis Natural Treatment

Hello again ladies (and possibly gentlemen :) )

So this is going to be a quick post regarding facial Seborrheic Dermatitis, for those that may not know, this is like a facial form of dandruff (sort of). It results in an overproduction of oils and scaling of the skin. Usually on the eyebrows and nose fold areas but can affect anywhere on the face. I suffer from this and I'm gonna tell you it's ANNOYING!! I only suffer from a mild version, so I count myself lucky but keeping it under control is still frustrating!!

I've been struggling for remedies to deal with this issue and a lot require prescription medicated creams and cleansers that usually have potential side effects, eewww!

I did however find a simple, natural solution that I plan to give a try and figured I would share with all of you, in case any of my readers suffer with this issue as well!

So it's simple really, SEA SALT!

The instructions for treating Facial Seborrheic Dermatitis naturally are:

Find a really high quality sea salt, preferrably dead sea salt or another that has a very high mineral content and mix a few tablespoons in a bowl of very warm water.

Let it sit for a few minutes while you splash warm but not too warm water on your face to open your pores.

Then simply splash the solution on your face a few times and rinse with plain water!

Do this twice a day and if you don't feel too much tightness than skip the moisturizer after the treatment, if your skin does feel terribly uncomfortable and tight use a little moisturizer after treatment but try to go with an all natural moisturizer (always try to use a natural moisturizer, too many have nasty chemicals that are terrible for your skin!)

After you notice the Seborrheic Dermatitis is clearing up you can cut back on the amount of treatments you do, it will be a balancing act and everyone is unique in this aspect so just do the sea salt rinse when you feel your skin is reverting back.

I'm gonna be giving this a try myself and will check back with you on my progress!! Good luck all, I hope this helps!!


*Disclaimer: This information is in no way meant to be taken as medical advice. If you are hesitant to try natural treatments for this condition I highly suggest you speak with your Dermatologist/Doctor for professional advice. If your skin reacts poorly to this treatment please discontinue immediately and seek advice from your healthcare professional about treatment options.

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